SyAM Management Modules
SyAM Software is a developer of System Area Management solutions that help Small, Medium businesses & Enterprises to operate more efficiently through proactive systems management and to save money through intelligent, automated power management.
Site Manager
Provides a web based dashboard and central management interface to all customer sites. Provides centralized ticketing, reporting and event tracking. Runs on a system located at the Managed Service Providers office.
System Area Manager
Provides a web based dashboard and management to all the systems at a customer site, reports up to Site Manager over the Internet, runs on a system located at the customer site, provides out of band (AMT/IPMI) management, reporting, alerting and Asset Tracking.
System Client
Intelligent agents that dynamically discovers and monitor the systems, providing pro-active alerting and predictive failure analysis, reporting to the System Area Manager. Runs on each Windows, Linux, OSX system.
Management Utility
Provides a central web based interface to automated system discovery, application deployment, patch management, intelligent automated power management, group change management, user driven scheduling and enables group AMT System Defense policy configuration and deployment.
Power Auditor
Provides adminstrators with an understanding of the current power usage and the potential power savings across systems within the network, then reports on savings being achieved once power management is implemented.
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- 聯絡人陳小姐
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