MPR E - SCAN 濃度分析儀 -優力精密



優力精密工業有限公司 AForce Precision Industry Corporation 為美國 EMC之台灣區總代理。

產品諮詢:     聯絡人: Eric

用中表的卓越性能 己使为纸浆,,食品和化工生中的准。全球己安4000多台。在美普 遍使用。
该仪表由微理机控制,程流体的折射系。因而可 为过程控制的控制参数(硫酸)检错

紙漿及造紙 -- 黑液,綠液,紅液,白液,液漿,塗料,PVA,樹脂,塔羅油 食品工業 -- 蔗糖,果糖,葡萄糖,,凝膠劑,,水果汁,
,,番茄 化學工業 -- 硫酸,鹽酸,,氫氧,,尿素,發煙硫酸,表面活性劑,乙二醇 

: LED(見圖)發射出來的發散 鏡上表面進入 ,不同角度的光以不同角度在的各面或反射或穿 透而過鏡外有所測溶液,當光線的入射角大於臨界 ,光線穿過介面射入溶液。而小臨界角的入射光線則反射回來,之後,光束射向鏡上方一單線CCD 折射儀 CCD2000個以上光敏象素。系統反復掃描,取得CCD 上的明暗圖像。掃描所得信號,其明暗區域之比,隨所測溶液的濃 度不同,折射臨界角不同而變化。經系統微處理機計算,得出所要 的測量,其可以是折射,Brix,濃度或其度量單位

技術參數: 精度: 量程的±1%或 折射係數(R.I.)0.000075 量程0.0015折射係數(1 Brix) - 0.132折射係數(70Brix)重複精度量程的 0.5% 靈敏度量程的 0.5% 反應時間顯示幕--250毫秒至3分鐘;探頭--小於500毫秒 被測物度可達150 °C 工作環境度可達52°C 控制箱工作環境- 52°C 微處理機Intel 386SX, 25 MHz 電纜6(標準), 152(最大長度) 探頭材料316SS不銹鋼,蘭寶石,,VITON,NEMA 4X 信號輸出:非獨立-20mA 電源110/220 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 50 VA

選件: 測量PID控制  PID 控制 多量程校正 雙探頭功能 高安全探頭

輸出選擇: 列印輸出 遠控顯示 電腦介面 單獨數(R.I.)0.000075 獨立4-20mA測量輸出 獨立4-20mA輸出獨立或非獨立4-20mA控制用輸出

控制箱: 由堅固耐腐的玻璃鋼聚脂材料制做箱體,NEMA 4X 面板有320 x 240點的LCD顯示幕 20個觸壓開關,可進行操作。 使用者可自行校正,設定所需測量單位。 具有20個量程。 輸出信號控制執行器和報警裝置。4-20mARS232輸出。

安裝: 提供不同的安裝適配裝置,滿足不同的安裝方 式和使用


MPR E-Scan Refractometer

Color E-Scan The MPR E-Scan is a rugged, industrialized, in-line process refractometer. It directly measures the refractive index of process fluids and then displays the reading in any number of customer-desired units (Brix, Percent Solids, Dissolved Solids, SGU, R.I., etc.). This reading may be used as an error indicator or part of a complete process control system. A high-resolution color display and a 4-20mA output is standard. HART® protocol, RS-232, and RS-422 outputs are available.

Each sensing head is custom tailored and calibrated specifically for the desired process application to ensure the most accurate and useful reading. A simple 0-10Vdc signal is used to transmit the reading from the sensing head to the electronics console, ensuring a robust reading that has a minimal chance of being effected by interference. The entire package is NEMA 4X rated and designed and manufactured with the best materials for each application to provide years of trouble-free service with a minimum amount of maintenance.



  • Paper Industry - The MPR E-Scan has numerous applications in the paper industry. The most common applications are on black liquor and green liquor. More information on these can be found by clicking the links below. Other applications include red liquor, white liquor, tall oil, and resin. Please contact us for more information.

  • Chemical Industry - The MPR E-Scan has numerous applications within the chemical industry. Some of the most common are listed below. In general, the MPR E-Scan can measure the strength of a chemical when diluted with water (or another chemical). If there is a concern with optical coating, a hand-operated brush cleaner is normally the preferred method. Various material alloys are available for wetted parts and Teflon® coating is available for non-wetted parts. Our extensive experience with in-line process refractometers has resulted in numerous other successful applications. Contact us today to discuss your application.

  • Food Industry - The Electron Machine Corporation developed the first in-line process refractometer more than 50 years ago when orange juice was first concentrated. Since that time, our refractometers have been successfully applied on many more applications. Our latest in-line process refractometer, the MPR E-Scan, has many features that make it very well suited to all types of industrial food processes. For more information on the most common applications, please click on one of the links below. If you have an application that is not listed, please contact us.




Related Links




  1. 統一編號27868356
  2. 聯絡人陳小姐
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