Pressure Transmitter



產品介紹: Bus technology The D-1X-9 is a precision transmitter with CAN interface. The integrated interface has been designed according to the CANopen specification DS-301 of the user organisation CiA. The device profile DS-404 which is used here, has been specially designed by the CiA for the use in measuring and control instruments. This guarantees the compatibility with the systems of other manufacturers. All device parameters are accessible via the CANopen list object dictionary and can be configured with our EasyCom CANopen or any other CAN software available on the market. The modul addresses can also be set via DIP switches directly atthe transmitter (address 1-31).WIKA Precision Sensor The heart of the CANopen transmitter is a sensor design with integrated dynamic temperature compensation. Within the temperature range of 0 to +50 °C (+32 to +122 °F) it has an accuracy up to 0.1 % without any additional temperature error.Due to the completely welded, in-house manufactured thinfilm and piezo sensors there is absolutely no need for extra sealing material. The WIKA-made sensors are already well known for their high resistance against load changes, pressure pikes and good repeatability. Safety Specially adapted protective EMC procedures together with an integrated galvanic separation of power supply and bus signal are a guarantee for a reliable data transmission even at transmission rates up to 1 MBaud. The main features of the D-1X-9 are access to the calibration data, temperature data as well as a counter for over pressure and over temperature. As a consequence, the calibration history can be easily followed and a remote diagnosis via a supervisory control unit can be carried out. The electrical connection is a locking plug M 12 x 1 (5-pins). This guarantees an ingress protection of IP 65 and an easy and reliable bus interface. 產品特色: Applications Automation Test benches General industrial applications Special Features Integrated CANopen Interface according to DS-301 Device profile DS-404 High accuracy up to 0.1 % with temperature drift incl. Intelligent sensor technology with calibration and diagnosis services Pressure ranges from 0 ... 250 mbar to 0 ... 1,000 bar 規格說明: Accessories Y-Plug (M12x1 female - male/female) CAN P/N:2344526 Terminator Resistor (120 Ω, M12x1 Stecker) CAN P/N:2308274 Bus cable 0.5 m (M12x1 male/female) CAN P/N:2308240 Bus cable 2 m (M12x1 male/female) CAN P/N:2308258 Software EasyCom CANopen, incl. PCAN-USB-adapter, cable set and power supply for the configuration of CANopen pressure transmitters. For use with Windows® 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista P/N:7483167變頻馬達


  1. 統一編號53161813
  2. 聯絡人曾先生
  3. 更多德成系統科技有限公司資訊


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