Our research and development team is develiping specialist in multimedia product and technology. The developing investment of BT848 application software start from early Microsoft Windows 3.1 version. And has been through repeatedly change of VxD, NT Driver, the WDM Driver, as well as Video For Windows, Direct Show and so on the multimedia technical generation takes turn, we have the in-depth understanding in multimedia product history with experience. Therefore our research and development team have qualify experience and planning capability no matter in multimedia hardware, firmwave or software. Furthermore to
研發團隊為一群具備開發多媒體產品及技術的專家。自早期的Microsoft Windows 3.1即投入開發Bt848應用軟體;並歷經VxD、NT Driver、WDM Driver的改變,以及Video For Windows,Direct Show等多媒體技術的世代交替,對多媒體產品的歷史和經驗有更深層的瞭解。因此本公司之研發團隊對多媒體硬體、軔體、軟體之整合皆有優良的經驗和規劃,再者秉持著對產品的研究設計創新的精神來滿足不斷求新求變的社會和消費者。而且設計的理念亦先以標準的軟體技術規格來設計,以期產品壽命不致因背離標準化而減短或缺乏軟體支援。
The company had been established, starts to devote to the multimedia software industry development. And business scope expands to hardware and software design like video capture card, television card(PCI & U檔案夾 手提紙袋 紙盒印刷
- 機關名稱崎鋒科技股份有限公司THPTECHNOLOGYCO.,LTD管理此網頁
- 統一編號70481500
- 所在地址新北市中和區中正路872號16樓之6
- 聯絡人王先生