Over the past several years, we at ConnectPRO have done extensive soul searching about who we are, and most recently we set out to identify and define the values that matter most to us. We wanted to give voice to our commitments, those that have become second nature, that define ConnectPRO as a company today and what we want it to become in the future.
Committed to custom services.
"No project is too small for us."
"Customer satisfaction is the final measurement of our success." Committed to innovative design.
All members of ConnectPRO's staff, supporting engineers and R&D engineers work, use and live w
在「專業代工生產設計」的理念及目標下,均昂不但擁有堅強和具有效率的研發團隊外,且已建立起完整的相關作業流程及溝通平台提供客製化的OEM / ODM服務,在生產製造過程當中,與客戶做即時的資訊溝通、協調與整合,以達到研發、設計及生產的同步性、即時性與有效性。
‧ 電腦切換器
‧ Master-IT PRO 系列
‧ Master-IT USB 系列
‧ Master-IT CONNECT 系列
‧ Master-IT StreamLine 系列
‧ 影音解決方案
‧ 影音延伸器
‧ 影像分配器
‧ 影像切換器
‧ 週邊配備
‧ 觸控式螢幕
‧ 機櫃
‧ 線材小型幫浦
- 機關名稱均昂科技股份有限公司CONNECTPRO管理此網頁
- 統一編號12832107
- 所在地址新北市板橋區三民路一段120號13樓
- 聯絡人均昂科技