


In view of this situation, we have reaffirmed our commitment to contributing directly to society through Omron Healthcare's business operations. With our vision "Healthcare at Home," intended to effectively use home-measured bio-information and behavioral data for patient diagnosis and treatment at medical institutions, we are challenging ourselves to create high-quality products and services and provide them globally. This is how we fulfill our mission - to help realize a healthy and comfortable life for people around the world. 「健康でありたい」「健康を回復したい」との願いは、世界共通のものです。 オムロンヘルスケアは、家庭から医療まで、生活習慣病の予防、治療、疾病管理に役立つ製品・サー
歐姆龍(Omron)集團創建於1933年,為高科技跨國企業集團,以自動技術、資訊技術走在時代前端,事業領域包括產業自動化、辦公室自動化、社會公共系統自動化、消費電子、汽車電子、健康醫療等;分支機構遍佈世界26國,員工人數約有2萬4千人。 1. PLC可程式控制器(小、中、大型)及PLC網路連線。 2. 溫度控制器(ON、OFF控制),PID控制,PUZZY控制。 3. LIMI SWITCH、MICRO SWITCH。 4. 電驛系統POWER Relay、PCB Relay C&C Relay。 5. SENSOR(光電?近接開闢、視覺系統、ID-Bar Coda系  統) 6. TIMER、COUNTER(計時器、計數器)。 7. 高壓保護電驛、過電流過電壓保護 8. Card Reader(讀卡機)等 The opportunity to maintain a healthy life, and to recover from illness when it strikes, is a universal desire of people everywhere. Omron Healthcare offers a wide range of devices and services that help prevent, treat and manage lifestyle diseases both at home and in medical institutions鐵件加工


      1. 機關名稱台灣歐姆龍股份有限公司OMRON管理此網頁
      2. 統一編號27567470
      3. 所在地址台北市中山區民權東路3段37號5樓之1
      4. 聯絡人台灣歐姆龍