



Medical technology is constantly evolving to improve and prolong the lives of people. There are many new medical devices and procedures available that contribute to saving countless lives. Medical devices also help improve the quality of life for many people. With the constant evolution of medical technology comes the constant challenge of managing the technology to ensure proper safety and function.

Our clinical engineers have college degrees and perform more complex work such as project and equipment planning and supervisory duties. Our clinical engineers focus on the entire collection of a hospital and look for improvements, provide training, and may control service contracts.



Our members combine engineering and medical sciences knowledge to research and develop innovative solutions to medical problems.

Our mission is to make every kind of the medical engineering refers to the process of checking medical equipment to make sure it is working properly and is safe to use. Clients are always our top priority so we need to be willing to help others. It shows that we are caring and enthusiasm.

Our vision, offering solutions that are verifiably effective, always pushes us to develop and offer high quality solutions and products which can be proven to be effective and efficient in their application.

Our values are clarity, trust, loyalty, pride and respect. These have accompanied us since our beginning and will continue to do so in the future. These are the constants which shape our work and our behaviour.

As a medical scientist we can specialize in all medicine and medical device risk management and governance where the role will be more focused on the effective management of equipment. Both roles complement each other and collectively contribute to clients health and wellbeing.


服務項目 ( 醫材、藥品、食品、中藥、化妝品 )

查驗登記 / QSD申請 / GMP輔導 / ISO輔導 / 專利申請 / 商標註冊 / 粧廣申請 / 侵權訴訟 / 代辦申請 / 醫材廣告字號申請 / 藥品廣告字號申請 / 製售證明申請 /

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    1. 機關名稱台灣春達醫學科技股份有限公司管理此網頁
    2. 統一編號54605168
    3. 所在地址台北市松山區南京東路4段130號10樓
    4. 聯絡人宋主任