


Aroma slects from all over the world the lowers and plants essence. By the advanced processing technology, the first-class management facility, the production natural, pure, has the extraordinary effect high quality product. The product including the pure essential oil, the skin care product, the home fragrant and so on the nearly 20 broad headings, 200 kings. For 30 years, Aroma-woman has devoted to the study flowes and plants volatile oil to human body's mysterious effect, and to the plant product's innovation debelopment, with the customer sharing the outstanding product and the specialized service together
芳香小舖企業有限公司阿多瑪精選世界各地花草精華,以先進的工藝技術、一流的管理設施,生產天然、純正、具有非凡幼蘆滌物~質產品。其成品均由美國AROMAWOMAN天然保養公司制造,產品包括純精油、護膚美体、芳療保養、居家香熏等近二十大類,二百余种。迄今為止,阿多瑪已在美國、日本、台灣、大陸等國家和地區,開設一百多家百貨專櫃、專營店、加盟店,并正在逐步發展壯大。 阿多瑪國際香氛集團將不斷追求創新,精心為每一位女性打造健康和美麗﹗ 目前以百貨專櫃及芳香瑜珈養生SPA館旅館供應為經營方向. Aroma-woman is a specialized development, the production plant fragrant volatile oil serial products transnational group enterprise. Aroma-woman is originated in 1987 in the US by Ms. Hsu, who is fragrant atmosphere essential oil expert. Aroma-woman take general merchandise special counter and alliance wholesale as main business way.,G M P 認證. H A L A L 認證. 本公司已創立三十幾年: 也是製造工廠. 製造個人、飯店、賣場及任何場合, 以天然精油製造出, 各式單.復方精油、按摩精油、身體乳、沐浴乳、洗面乳、洗面水、卸妝凝膠、眼霜、面膜、芳療、芳香空間、個人清潔等二百餘種產品。 幫客戶量身訂作: OEM 、 ODM.複捲機


      1. 機關名稱芳香小舖企業有限公司AROMA管理此網頁
      2. 統一編號97321669
      3. 所在地址台北市中山區中山北路二段36巷30號1樓
      4. 聯絡人芳香小舖