Bin Yuann Firstline Industry Corp. is a professional ball bearing slides manufacturer. We are now offer product development and joint design which can supply in office furniture, kitchen equipment, storage device, electronic device (refrigerator, baker, washing machine), industrial computing server chassis and cabinet, auto parts, aerospace, boat and … etc with specializing material of Steel, stainless plate, aluminum magnesium,and aluminum zinc plate.We also provide customization and enhance joint research and development to add more value on our products. We have earn trust from many of our domestic and foreign customers with our extensive
斌遠公司是一家專業的鋼珠滑軌製造廠商並且邁向產品研發與結合設計、產品引用於辦公傢俱 廚具設備 倉儲設備 家電產品如電冰箱 烤箱 洗碗機 工業電腦伺服器機箱與機櫃,儀器、機械、汽車零組件、航空、船舶 ….等,並且引用特殊材料如鋼板、不銹鋼板、鋁合金、鎂鋁鋅鋼板,並且導入客制化的共同研發以提升附加價值,豐富的經驗與技術且不斷追求更完美的服務品質,備受國內、外客戶的信任。斌遠為了維繫競爭力,將延伸價值鏈,由OEM邁向ODM,並且引用ISO 9001與ISO 1400運籌管理,邁向,專業、創新、效率、高品質以及完整的售後服務為本公司一貫的理念及態度。與您共同追求企業的永續經營及成長。雷雕uv彩印加工
- 機關名稱鋼珠滑軌斌遠實業股份有限公司管理此網頁
- 統一編號59347197
- 所在地址彰化縣秀水鄉安東村安樂街73號
- 聯絡人Johnson C