
It started with a simple plan to make a superior skateboarding Skating Knee Elbow Wrist Guards Protection for Disney in 1995. The Knee Elbow Wrist Guards that provided impact protection and shock absorption. The Guards that worked with your body regulate weight distribution and enhance performance.
Founded in 1986, GMY manufactures a wide range of quality products from sports, hardware, gardening related products and bags. GMY Corporation strives by passion to create well crafted, thoughtfully designed, innovative products and services.
To build a better protection for ice hockey players, GMY develops the whole protective equip
鴻多盈國際有限公司www.gmy-safety.com, 成立於1986年,主要生產設計製造高品質的越野自行車人身用品,越野機車護具.滑雪板護膝/護肘/護背/護臀褲, 五金工具護膝,工作腰帶.手袋等產品, 以外銷出口為主, ODM/OEM鋁擠型
- 機關名稱鴻多盈國際有限公司GMY管理此網頁
- 統一編號96850232
- 所在地址台南市東區東寧路186號8F-3
- 聯絡人李玉霞