
興瀚企業股份有限公司成立於1976年﹐主要從事各式開關之製造及銷售,包括搖柄開關、翹板開關、按鍵開關、滑動開關、指撥開關、觸動開關。以過去30多年來的專業製造經驗,興瀚公司提供了廣泛的、多樣化的產品給全世界的領導品牌。興瀚公司已通過ISO9001, TS16949及ISO14001管理系統之認證,而且大多數產品均取得UL,CSA及CQC等國際認證,防水系列開關並達到IP67 等級及通過TUV認證,以期提供給客戶最好的產品和最好的服務。
Toggle switch,rocker switch,slide switch,pushbutton switch,dip switch and tact switch. Salecom Electronics Co., Ltd. established in 1976. As a switch professional manufacturer for over 30 years, We have been supplying an extensive range of items to leading brands worldwide.
Our factory is ISO9001, TS16949 and ISO14001 certified and our automated production lines output 3 million units each month. We use only premium materials from the US and Japan. All of our products carry UL, CSA and CQC approvals, and many have an IP67 rating and are made with TUV certification.清洗水塔
- 機關名稱興瀚企業股份有限公司管理此網頁
- 統一編號22977432
- 所在地址新北市五股區五權路61號1樓
- 聯絡人李明隆