Sunwave Technology Corporation focuses on Learning Universal LCD Touch Panel Remote Controls since 1994.With more than 15 years of experiences in IR/RF technologies, we have dominated the high-end Remote Control market in the Far East.Sunwave Technology’s specialties are in IR/RF remotes, Touch Panel, LCD Panel control, TFT Panel control, RF modules, IEEE 802.15.4,Embedded Remote Chipset, proprietary software and firmware for exclusive application needs and OEM/ODM requests.We are proud to be a Made in Taiwan Manufacturer, which have provided our long term customers with quantity flexibility, service satisfactions and quality assurances.,LED燈控調光系統、LED調光器、LED燈控節能系統、遙控器、智能控制系統、人機觸控屏、感測器、背景音樂系統ISOPAR
- 機關名稱晟瀚科技有限公司管理此網頁
- 統一編號89966700
- 所在地址台北市南港區瑞湖街103 號6樓之5
- 聯絡人陳先生