KSH INTERNATIONAL CO., LTD is a professional design and manufacturer for Serial ( RS-232/422/485 ) and TCP/IP converter products. Currently, Ethernet/Internet is the pop-ular communication for Personal Computer, Home Network, Industrial Application & Bus-iness Network. Every kinds of application are building on TCP/IP base. Basically, TCP/IP can also integrate with GPRS/3G in near future. Your domination will be limitless through Internet.
We also provide a series of E-NET TCP/IP converters. You can remote control the interfa-ce, such as RS-232, RS-422, RS-485, Digital I/O, Analog I/O, Power Switch, Temperatu-re, Humidity and Video etc…半套按摩
- 機關名稱高紳國際股份有限公司管理此網頁
- 統一編號13152991
- 所在地址新店區北新路一段89號14樓之1
- 聯絡人莊豐銘