
• In 1972, Sanfong's Taiwan office and factories established in Taichung, central Taiwan.
• In 1990, we started our branch - Sanfong Zhongshan, China. We officially started our business in China, selling polypropylene woven bags.
• In 1991, we had two plants to produce our own products : PP woven fabric and bags.
• By 1994, we expanded the land to 20,000 M², and a new office building was constructed in China.
• In 1997, new dormitory was built. The same year, we invested USD 600,000 in Zhong Huang Hotel and Zhong Huang Restaurant.
• In 2002, the new fifth floor office buliding in China was completed , and we moved in by 2003.
• In 2009, we established a new plant in Haiphong, Vietnam.
• In 2022, certified BRC till now.
三楓集團為台資企業, 成立於1972年, 致力於生產聚丙稀(P.P.)編織袋和編織布。目前公司擁有10條生產線, 月產量數百萬袋.產品行銷中東 歐洲 非洲 北美洲 南美洲及大洋洲等。隨著公司的不斷發展壯大, 三楓不僅於1990年在中國大陸投資設廠, 並在2009年完成越南的新廠房營運。身為一家專業製造服務業者,三楓藉由與每個客戶所建立的堅強的夥伴關係,穩定地創造了強而有力的成長。在這領堿30餘年來,不論是從既有客戶或新客戶皆獲得非常良好聲譽。我們秉持"誠實、正直"為經營理念。付出最大的努力與客戶之間建立長遠、互惠的商務關係。
Sanfong Plastics Co., Ltd is a Taiwan-capital enterprise which was founded in 1972. We were devoted to producing diverse sizes of Polypropylene Woven Bags & Woven Fabrics.
As a professional manufacturer of PP woven bags, Sanfong has consistently experienced strong growth by building solid partnerships with customers.
We have earned an excellent reputation among our customers, whether they are new or existing. With over 50 years of experience in this field, we continue to deliver exceptional quality and service.
Act with honesty and integrity in everything we do.
We make utmost efforts to establish long-term and mutual benefit relationships with our customers.
- 機關名稱三楓塑膠股份有限公司管理此網頁
- 統一編號56656654
- 所在地址台中市清水區中央路52-1號
- 聯絡人Victoria