Key Messages for MGOTM Manuka Honey
January 2012
1、In 2006, researchers at the Technical University of Dresden (Professor Thomas Henle’s research team) discovered the compound, methylglyoxal (MGO TM), is responsible for the stable, anti-bacterial activity of manuka honey
2. Manuka honey is the only food in the world with high levels of naturally occurring methylglyoxal (MGO TM), which can be measured accurately.
3. All honeys in the world have some level of anti-bacterial activity due to naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide. But when these honeys are eaten or applied to the skin, the hydrogen peroxide – and its anti-bacterial activity – immediately disappears
在世界上所有的蜂蜜因自然產生的過氧化氫而有抑菌活性的水平。但是,當這些蜂蜜被食用或應用外敷於皮膚,過氧化氫 - 其抑菌活性 - 立即消失
4. Before the discovery of methylglyoxal (MGO TM), manuka honey producers used rating systems, such as ‘Active’, UMF (Unique Manuka Factor’) and Bioactive.
5. Such rating systems inadequately inform consumers about the antibacterial potency of a product.
6. Manuka Health has led the way in developing an accurate testing regime to measure methylglyoxal (MGO TM) levels in manuka honey. It is the only company worldwide to market manuka honey with certified levels of methylglyoxal (MGO TM)
Manuka Health,領導發展了一個更準確的測試制度,以“甲基乙二醛” (MGO TM)等級的方式來衡量麥盧卡蜂蜜。它是全世界唯一一家以“甲基乙二醛” (MGO TM)等級認證麥盧卡蜂蜜。
7. MGO TM Manuka Honey gives consumers confidence for the first time about the potency of the honey they are selecting. The methylglyoxal content is shown on the label and is measured using a reliable testing system.
在第一時間MGO TM麥盧卡蜂蜜給消費者信心為他們所選的蜂蜜效能。“甲基乙二醛”的含量採用可靠測試系統並在標籤上顯示。
8. Manuka Health’s New Zealand extraction facility has ISO9001 certification and IAANZ accreditation to the ISO17025 laboratory standard. Its test method has been cross-validated with the test method used at Dresden Technical University’s Institute of Food Chemistry.
Manuka Health的新西蘭萃取設備具有ISO9001質量體系認證,ISO17025的實驗室標準和IAANZ認證。其測試方法已經與德累斯頓技術大學的食品化學研究所使用的測試方法交叉驗證。
9. Manuka Health traces its manuka honey from beekeeper to end product, ensuring supply of quality natural MGO TM honey products.
Manuka Health從養蜂人家的麥盧卡蜂蜜一直追踪到最終產品,以確保供應優質天然MGO TM蜂蜜產品。
10. Methylglyoxal can be produced synthetically from crude oil. But if it was added to honey, it would have to be specified on the label. The resulting product would no longer be called honey and would not be natural.
11. Although more research is needed, methylglyoxal levels appear to increase over time. This is why Manuka Health labelling specifies minimum levels, for example MGO 400+.
雖然需要更多的研究,“甲基乙二醛”等級隨著時間的推移增加。這就是為什麼Manuka Health標籤規定的最低水平,例如MGO 400 +。
- 統一編號53146010
- 聯絡人陳先生
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