[產品用途] 適合家庭D.I.Y.及輕工業用途,不會生鏽的手刷用過都說好-日本專業級設計; 各式狹窄的溝縫都可輕鬆清洗-過年開學大掃除都好用! 特殊設計製作-果然不一樣! 優利牌- 彎頭黑直尼龍不鏽鋼柄手刷 ▪ 精巧彎曲窄面刷頭,針對任何徒手難以出力的細縫溝槽,輕易達成多角度清潔 ▪ 刷毛柔軟可深入貼合溝槽底部,又極富韌性可刷出淤積髒汙 ▪ 採用工業尼龍66,刷毛具耐熱(軟化點210°C)、耐酸鹼、防水、抗油等特性 ▪ 不鏽鋼製的刷柄SUS304不僅耐用,且適合台灣潮濕氣候室內存放,刷洗後表面也不易生鏽 | 產品用途 | 適用於一般金屬、木頭、玻璃、大理石、塑膠等材質表面刷磨,且不會對物件造成划痕傷害 家庭D.I.Y.及輕工業兩用,是您刷除陳年污垢的黃金左右手 UNION Brush-Universal Hand Brush Nylon Wire Features : Special design on curved tip provides effective working conditions in tiny corner areas. ▪ The industrial nylon 66 filaments have characteristic of heat resistance(softened point 210°C), alkali resistance, water resistance and oil resistance. ▪ Idea to use in average metal, wood, glass, marble, or plastic objects brushing and will not cause scratches on the surface. Applications :Provide total solutions for domestic D.I.Y and light industrial users. Bathroom Kitchen Household appliances Light industrial Works Provide total solutions for domestic D.I.Y and light industrial users.
- 統一編號07933490
- 聯絡人曾慶豐先生
- 更多UnionBrush-EangLianCorp.資訊
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