衝浪板襪,SURFBOARD SOCK,SKIMBOARD SOCK ,Paddle Boards Sock,嬰兒毯,止滑墊,機能襪及美容SPA等產品,有專業的行銷團隊及高優質產品,亦有專業人員提供諮詢及服務!公司成立於1976年專營服飾及襪子,擴大營業於1994年更名為珈奇有限公司,台灣生產製造,市場涵蓋醫療診所,美容SPA,服飾,寢具用品及運動產品外銷日本,紐澳,歐美各國!
We are leading manufacturer and expoter specialized in Sporting Goods, Skimboard sock, Surfboard sock, Body board, Paddle Boards sock (covers), Blanket and Socks. We are also a medical equipment company located in Taiwan since 1994. With our experience, professional knowledge and good service, we can make any design and sepecification for your inquires.進口潤滑脂
We are leading manufacturer and expoter specialized in Sporting Goods, Skimboard sock, Surfboard sock, Body board, Paddle Boards sock (covers), Blanket and Socks. We are also a medical equipment company located in Taiwan since 1994. With our experience, professional knowledge and good service, we can make any design and sepecification for your inquires.進口潤滑脂
- 統一編號89239081
- 聯絡人李先生
- 更多珈奇生活館資訊
- 前線照明
- 博祥國際股份有限公司
- 富家有限公司