Lenzing在今年的7/21-24鹽湖城OR展,發表了TENCEL® SUN,主要用途在防護太陽輻射。 TENCEL® SUN將於本季開始量產並於開始於各個世界級的展覽中展出。 TENCEL® SUN主要是添加礦物質粉末來達到長期的抗UV效果。即時在多次的洗滌後,TENCEL® SUN仍保有抗UV效果。經實驗證明,TENCEL® SUN最多可達到110UPF的抗UV效果。 TENCEL® SUN具備了幾個獨特的特性一般的抗UV纖維,在吸濕後,保護性都會下降,而TENCEL® SUN在吸濕後,因為Tencel澎潤的關係,讓衣物的抗UV保護性變的更佳。 TENCEL® SUN的原料來自木頭,可100%生物分解。不管激烈運動或日常生活應用,TENCEL® SUN都能夠符合多功能的需求。
Tencel Sun to Launch at OR Summer Market At Outdoor Retailer Summer Market in Salt Lake City, July 21-24, Lenzing is presenting TENCEL® SUN, a new TENCEL® fiber that provides superior solar protection especially designed to meet the performance and sustainability demands of the outdoor apparel market. 07/20/09 Lenzing, a leader in the field of innovation, has developed a new fiber that protects from solar radiation. TENCEL® SUN will be produced for this season and will be presented at all of the sports trade fairs around the world. The new TENCEL® SUN fiber is effective due to permanent mineral pigment integration that provides long-term protection from solar radiation. Even after washing several times, clothing made with TENCEL® SUN maintains its effectiveness. Tests show that UV protection levels of up to 110 UPF can be achieved. The TENCEL® SUN fiber’s outstanding performance is due to several unique properties. One distinctive function is that the fiber swells which enables clothing made with TENCEL® SUN to retain solar protection during high intensity outdoor activities. Conventional fabrics lose more than half of their solar protection effectiveness when they become damp or stretched. TENCEL® SUN is made from wood, a natural, renewable raw material making the fiber 100% bio-degradable. Additionally, the fiber’s permanent solar protection cannot be washed out and it is manufactured with a process that isbased on sustainable principles. These and many other environmental arguments make TENCEL® SUN the choice for botanic UV protection and the perfect eco-friendly alternative to polyester fibers and conventionally finished solar protection fabrics. TENCEL® can be used universally – both in the active sport and sports lifestyle sectors. Moisture management, optimum skin-sensory properties and reduced bacterial growth are fused with outstanding solar protection and environmental consideration so that sports clothes made of TENCEL® SUN meet the multifunctional performance requirements of this demanding outdoor market.

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