優利牌 彎頭黑直尼龍不鏽鋼柄手刷HJS-24



[強效優勢] 1.     精巧彎曲窄面刷頭,針對任何徒手難以出力的細縫溝槽,輕易達成多角度清潔 2.     採用工業用尼龍66,刷毛柔軟可深入貼合溝槽底部,又極富韌性可刷出淤積髒汙 3.     工業尼龍66刷毛富耐熱(軟化點210°C)、耐酸鹼、防水、抗油等特性 4.     刷柄曲線符合人體工學好握又省力 5.     不鏽鋼製的刷柄SUS304不僅耐用,且適合台灣潮濕氣候室內存放,刷洗後表面也不易生鏽 6.     適用於一般金屬、木頭、玻璃、大理石、塑膠等材質表面刷磨,且不會對物件造成划痕傷害 [產品用途] 適合家庭D.I.Y.及輕工業用途,是您刷除陳年污垢的黃金左右手;魔鬼藏在細節裡,從裡到外刷出一片舒適環境。 原來動手清潔這麼簡單! 浴室清潔:1.磁磚縫 2. 排水孔毛髮油垢淤積(洗手台、淋浴間、浴缸) 3. 淋浴蓮蓬頭 4. 馬桶座縫隙汙垢5.水龍頭與洗手台/浴缸交接處6. 通風窗戶溝槽 廚房:1.瓦斯爐邊緣黑垢2. 水槽內邊角及水槽濾網 3.廚房油煙機風扇葉片4. 特殊網狀瓢盆刷洗 5. 烘碗機/杯架/各式瀝乾架 居家室內 1和式門縫/陽台拉門溝槽2. 鍵盤溝槽3. 電風扇外罩鐵網灰塵淤積/電風扇葉片 4. 冷器濾網5.百葉窗 6.寵物籠子 輕工業 焊接後焊渣表面清理  1.內部生鏽淤積2. 機台3. 金屬零件和螺絲表面 [Features] -        Special design on curved tip provides effective working conditions in tiny corner areas. -        The high elastic and high strength industrial nylon 66 filaments feature in dust adhesion in the surface of brush and availabilities of removing accumulated dust in narrow areas. -        The industrial nylon 66 filaments have characteristic of heat resistance(softened point 210°C), alkali resistance, water resistance and oil resistance. -        Small and narrow size hand brushes are handy and useful for light works. -        With high strength stainless steel handle body, it won’t turn to rusty when store in wet surroundings. -        Idea to use in average metal, wood, glass, marble, or plastic objects brushing and will not cause scratches on the surface. [Applications] Provide total solutions for domestic D.I.Y and light industrial users. l   Bathroom -        Tiles gap -        Hair dirt stuck in the edge of drainage hole (in washing basin, shower room, bathtub) -        Showerhead -        Toilet seat -        Faucet gap with washing basin/bathtub -        Window slot seam l   Kitchen -        Burnt stove -        Sink strainer for shower, bathroom or kitchen sinks -        Exhaust fans on the range hoods -        Dish dryer/ drainers l   Household appliances -        Keyboard gap -        Stand fan -        Air conditioning filter -        Blinds -        Pet cage l   Light industrial Works -        Welding dross -        Mechanical parts燙金帶


  1. 統一編號07933490
  2. 聯絡人曾慶豐先生
  3. 更多UnionBrush-EangLianCorp.資訊



  1. 優利牌 彎頭黑直尼龍不鏽鋼柄手刷HJS-24
    優利牌 彎頭黑直尼龍不鏽鋼柄手刷HJS-24
  2. 工業輪刷 鋼刷 銅刷-見達毛刷
    工業輪刷 鋼刷 銅刷-見達毛刷
  3. 矽砂尼龍刷系列
  4. 木製掃把-專業製造批發
  5. 優利牌 彎頭黑直尼龍不鏽鋼柄手刷HJS-24
    優利牌 彎頭黑直尼龍不鏽鋼柄手刷HJS-24

