TeeChart .NET



What's New
TeeChart for .NET is now into its fourth generation!
Add that to TeeChart's pre-NET evolution and there are more than 14 years of charting development investment in TeeChart for .NET v2010. The current version offers a great generic Charting control for a myriad of charting requirements, targeting too, important vertical areas such as the financial, scientific and statistical worlds. It fits to environment needs such as WPF, Silverlight, Flash, ASP.NET, Winform, SQL Reporting Services and Compact Framework. All this is included in one powerful and thoughtfully priced library suite product, no need to juggle expensive modules to cover all your development projects across Winform, Webform and Pocket. Please take a look if you have a moment, the evaluation version includes working examples for most Chart types. You'll see how easy it is to code TeeChart and how you can improve department development productivity.

TeeChart Pro component library offers hundreds of Graph styles in 2D and 3D, 43 mathematical, statistical and financial Functions for you to choose from together with an unlimited number of axes and 24 Palette components.

The TeeChart Pro ActiveX charting component library offers hundreds of Graph styles in 2D and 3D, 33 mathematical and statistical Functions for you to choose from together with an unlimited number of axes and 17 toolbox components.

TeeChart for Java is an extensive Charting component library for Java developers. Based on more than a decade's experience working with customer charting requirements it is extremely portable and may be used in all standard Java programming environments. Part and parcel with a TeeChart for Java License is direct access to the Steema support team via Steema's managed customer-only support forum environment. We'll work with you to help meet any challenge that you might come up against. 

TeeChart for PHP is an Object-Oriented Charting component library for PHP. The library is completely written in PHP and ready to be used in any PHP scripts. TeeChart for PHP is offered via two formats, the Free Open Source version and the Licensed Pro version. Both include the full source code meaning that no loaders have to be used in order to create a Graph on your servers. Most of the features are identical between versions; the significant exceptions being that only the licensed Pro version of the TeeChart for PHP library may be used in a commercial context (please check the Licensing info for details) and that standard support is only available for the licensed Pro version.


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    TeeChart .NET
  2. JLPT日本語模擬測驗系統
  3. 中文跨平台全文檢索系統~龍捲風全文檢索系統 TS 5.0
    中文跨平台全文檢索系統~龍捲風全文檢索系統 TS 5.0
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