VCL Component Sets
TMS VCL Subscription 2 year subscription to all our current & future VCL products for Windows application development. |
TMS Component Studio Money saving bundle of over 500 components Windows & IntraWeb application development, including the award-winning planner components, grid components, advanced charts, Unicode component set, the unique IntraWeb component set, asynchronous communication package, instrumentation controls and more ... |
TMS Component Pack Create modern-looking & feature-rich Windows applications faster with over 300 components in one money and time saving bundle, including award-winning grids, planners, Office 2010/2007/2003 ribbon/toolbars, application update and much more... |
TMS Unicode Component Pack Add Unicode support for your Delphi & C++Builder applications today with over 60 direct Unicode enabled VCL component replacements. |
TMS Advanced Toolbars & Menus Office 2003 / Visual Studio docking toolbars & menus + Office 2010 & 2007 ribbon / Windows 7 scenic ribbon controls (Licensed to Microsoft Office 2007 UI Guidelines) |
TMS Advanced Charts Fast multipane financial graphs & 2D feature rich charting components |
TMS GUIMotions |
TMS Grid Pack TMS award-winning grid, DB-aware grid, spreadsheet: TAdvStringGrid, TAdvColumnGrid, TAdvSpreadGrid, TAdvGridDropDown, TAdvGridExcelIO, TAdvGridRTFIO, TDBAdvGrid, TAdvGridWorkbook in one money and time saving pack. |
TMS Advanced Office Graphics Control Pack Office 2007 / Office 2003 style brush, color, pen, shadow, font, border, gradient, tool selector components. |
TMS Async32 Fast, easy to use & lightweight asynchronous serial communications library for your Delphi & C++Builder applications. |
TMS Security System User-rights management system for your Delphi & C++Builder applications. Add users, groups and set rights to perform/see functionality in your application per user or user group. |
TMS Plugin Framework Framework to make building Delphi modular applications with plugin support easy. |
TMS Instrumentation Workshop A set of components for Delphi & C++Builder containing over 80 instrumentation and digital components like leds, scopes, banners, sliders, knob controls, buttons, meters, panels with customized backgrounds and much more... |
TMS Skin Factory Add skinning capabilities to your Delphi & C++Builder applications |
TMS Diagram Studio Add diagram and flowchart capabilities to your application. Diagram Studio provides MS Visio-like interface for building diagrams and flowcharts at runtime, including predefined blocks and open architecture for adding your own blocks. |
TMS Scripter Studio Add the ultimate flexibility and power into your applications with native Pascal or Basic scripting. You can execute runtime scripts, publish Delphi objects, methods, properties, variables and procedures in scripts for smooth integration with your application, debug scripts at runtime, use syntax memo with code completion, and more. |
TMS Scripter Studio Pro Add the ultimate flexibility and power into your applications with native Pascal or Basic scripting and full IDE (Integrated Development Environment) with form designing, object inspector, component palette and more. You can create, design, run and debug script projects which can contain multiple scripts and forms just like a Delphi project. Scripter Studio Pro is full compatible with Scripter Studio and includes all its functionality plus much more! |
TMS Query Studio |
TMS Workflow Studio Add workflow/BPM (Business Process Management) capabilities to your applications. Build workflow definitions/flowcharts, run workflows, create tasks for multi-user environment, follow-up tasks, keep log tracking of task changes and more. Workflow Studio integrates smoothly with your application with open architecture for using almost any database server and database components, including ready-to-use support for Oracle, SQL Server, Firebird/Interbase databases and ADO, dbExpress components. |
TMS FlexCel Studio for VCL Powerful, extensive & flexible component suite for native Excel report & file generation & manipulation |
TMS Mail Merge Wizards Add powerful Word / WordPerfect mailmerge capabilities to your applications |
TMS Smooth Controls Pack Set of feature-rich sophisticated looking and smoothly animated controls including calendar, listbox, imagelist, panel, buttons, pagecontrol, LEDs, spinner, jogwheel |
TMS Data Modeler Library Library for accessing Devgems Data Modeler projects from Delphi & C++Builder. |
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