NVivo 8
NVivo 是一套以編碼為基礎(Code-based)來協助質性分析的套裝軟體,它結合了電腦強大的索引搜尋及協助形塑理論能力,以有效地管理研究過程中所蒐集到的非數值資料,且具有彈性便利的編碼、解碼和註解的功能,可讓研究者隨時將資料重組並反覆檢證假設的組型,協助分析潛藏理論模式和資料間關係。
再者,Nvivo結合了目前許多新興的功能,如超本文(Hyper Text)、多媒體的運用,並可將Excel、Word的資料整合進系統中,使資料的表現更加多元化。NVivo 的設計可說是十分地符合質性研究的流程處理。
NVivo 8 highlights
NVivo 8 will change the way you work forever:
→ Import, sort and analyze audio files, videos, digital photos, Word, PDF, rich text and plain text
→ Work with transcripts or work without them, analyzing material straight from audio and video files.
Or create transcripts or text files in the software as you go.
→ Customize its easy to learn interface. It's been designed using Microsoft guidelines.
→ Import and code documents, including those that contain tables and images.
→ Work in virtually every language.
→ Query your data with a powerful state-of-the-art search engine.
→ Graphically display project information, connections and findings in real time using models and
→ Share files and findings, including audio, video or sections of documents with clients or colleagues
who don't have NVivo, using HTML web pages.
→ Merge seperate projects and still identify which work was completed by which person, as well as
view the notes and analysis completed by each team member.
→ Explore your data with confidence using our multi-level 'undo' functionality.
- 統一編號80696678
- 聯絡人蔡先生
- 更多柏際股份有限公司資訊
多平台桌機散熱器,適用於 Intel(LGA 1366, LGA 775), AMD(AM2, AM