HLM 6.0 階層線性模式軟體
階層線性模式 (Hierarchical linear Model,簡稱 HLM),HLM所發展的階層模型(Hierarchical Linear and Nonlinear Modeling)軟體,包含線性和非線性部分,HLM可以讀取大部份統計軟體的檔案如 SPSS, SAS, SYSTAT及STATA等等。HLM常用於社會科學和行為科學,因為它常有巢狀結構(Nested Structure)的資料,因此需用次模型(Sub-Model)或階層模型(Hierarchical Model),HLM就是設計來專門解決此類問題的,HLM提供的模型包括2-level models、3-level models、Hierarchical Generalized Linear Models (HGLM)和Hierarchical Multivariate Linear Models (HMLM)等。
Behavioral and social data commonly have a nested structure. For example, if repeated observations are collected on a set of individuals and the measurement occasions are not identical for all persons, the multiple observations are properly conceived as nested within persons. Each person might also be nested within some organizational unit such as a school or workplace. These organizational units may in turn be nested within a geographical location such as a community, state, or country. Within the hierarchical linear model, each of the levels in the data structure (e.g., repeated observations within persons, persons within communities, communities within states) is formally represented by its own sub-model. Each sub-model represents the structural relations occurring at that level and the residual variability at that level.
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