1. 連續式重量法分析水份、蒸氣吸附變化。
2. 可程式多段溫濕度氣氛控制。
3. 樣品重量最大5g,精度0.1μg。
4. 最多可同時分析兩個樣品。
The Aquadyne DVS are fully automated, gravimetric, one (Aquadyne DVS-1) or two (Aquadyne DVS-2) sample water vapor sorption analyzers. They measure adsorption and desorption isotherms of water vapor both accurately and sensitively, including sorption kinetics, with minimal operator involvement. The weight(s) of one or two sample(s) is/are constantly monitored and recorded as the relative humidity is automatically varied by the blending of dry carrier gas with a saturated gas stream. The dual balance design of the Aquadyne DVS-2 allows increased analysis throughput, side-by-side comparison with known or reference materials, or an extended mass range for a single sample. The independently temperature-controlled balance head environment ensures long term stability. The small sample chamber ensures rapid changes in sample atmosphere conditions when the relative humidity is altered during an analysis. Sample(s) can be pre-dried in situ at up to 85°C (DVS-2) in a flow of dry gas. The software supports multiple users with password-controlled access.
- 統一編號89377464
- 聯絡人陳建中
- 更多磐拓國際股份有限公司資訊
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