




Analog input section : For measurement of analog signal such as : temperature; voltage; current; flow light


Analog output section : For control or signal generation such as : inverter speed; servo motor speed; wave generation;


     valve control; light control


Digital section : For the control of digital i/o : switch input; relay control; trigger output


Counter / Timer section : event counting; periodic interrupt source; PWM generator


     (can work as D/A with external low pass filter); counter / timer with trigger out; duration counter



Isolated 8 channel 12-bit analog inputs


Software selectable input range : -10V ~ +10V, -5V ~ +5V, 0 ~ 10V, 0 ~ 5V


Isolated 16 channel 16-bit analog output


8 isolated digital input

8 isolated digital output


IN0, IN1 as trigger / counter in, OUT0, OUT1 as trigger out of timer / counter function


2 32-bit multifunction counters with 4/33MHz multi-clock input


Multi-functions for : programmable one-short; square wave generator; event counter; PWM generator


 Auto data acquisition mode : buffer up to 1024


                                                   3 trigger mode : analog; digital; software


                                                   Start event trigger out and complete trigger out available


                                                   Sampling rate : 110K, 10K, 1K, 100HZ


Software key function

Specifications (With Matched Wiring Board)


Main Card -- Analog Input


Input channels  : isolated 8 channel single end

Auto data acquisition : 110K, 10K, 1K, 100Hz sample rate


Resolution : 12-bit

Trigger mode : digital, analog, software trigger


Input range : -10V ~ +10V, -5V ~ +5V, 0 ~ 10V, 0 ~ 5V

Trigger out : event start or complete


Range selection : software selectable

Trigger out pulse width : 1 ~ 16777215us


Conversion speed : 13us per channel

Trigger out polarity : user programmable


Main Card -- Analog Output


Output channels : isolated 16 channel

Output range : -10V ~ +10V


Resolution : 16-bit

 Auto scan update rate : 2.1KHz


Main Card -- Digital I/O


I/O channels : isolated 8DI, 8DO


Output range : open collector 0 ~ 45V防火膠 免費註冊


  1. 統一編號22865507
  2. 聯絡人張明容
  3. 更多健昇科技股份有限公司資訊


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  2. Programmable Relays
    Programmable Relays
  3. 自動控制系統-液位控制器
  4. T-486 豪華型 市面最美最氣派的控制
    T-486 豪華型 市面最美最氣派的控制
  5. 德國羅格朗 24小時定時開關
    德國羅格朗 24小時定時開關

