
Push switches, push lock type, push with LED 工廠位於台灣台北。
SPG series
1.Silent push-button swtich with LED.
2.Verious LED colors with RED, Pure Green, Blue, Yellow, Bi-colour or RGB (Full colours) LED.
3.Twin contact with gold plating assure high reliability and long operation life.
4.Smooth and silent operation
5.Available for chonices with many kind of cap style.
6.Application:Domotic system,Digital conference system, Switcher, distributor, Amplifier, Broadcast console,Presentation controller,Programmable remote control panel,Room controllers...etc.
SPG series Begin: Customer in Netherlanda/Holland who is broadcasting console manufacturer, he used using European silent push button switches but that switches did not integrate LED for illuminated, so they need purchased SMD type LED separate and solder separate so they feel that cost too high, that is why they requiry development New silent pushbutton integrated LED into switches and the total travel 4.5mm with 5 million operation cycle life time, on year 2010 we finished SPG series. Function/feature: SPG series separate in 5 section, the SPG1 and SPG2 not finish yet, the SPG3 button is 12mm*12mm, SPG4 button is 18.5mm*18.5mm finally SPG5 button is 15.2mm sq., the SPG3,SPG4 and SPG5 are same high. SPG4 have 2 type option one is without click feedback feeling, another one is with clear feedback feeling. The LED we can build in single, bi-color or RGB full color RGB LED, that bi-color or tricolor LED can combination the LED become other color by your own control mother board. Apply: Automatic home control system, E-home control panel, E-educate control console, Domotic system, Digital conference system, Switcher, distributor, Amplifier, Broadcast console, Presentation controller, Programmable remote control panel, Room controllers...etc
起因:荷蘭客戶從事廣播系統設備製造使用歐洲產品時因不是內建在按鍵開關內部於生產尚須多一道工序使得生產成本變高故而要求我們研發一款內建LED,靜音,長行程(4.5mm),高壽命(5百萬次)開關於是產生SPG系列開關. 功能: SPG系列共分為三大區塊SPG3 (12mm*12mm),SPG4(18.5mm*18.5mm以及SPG5(15.2mm*15.2mm)其高度都相同.特別的是我們在SPG4又區分2種觸感,一種是標準無回饋感,另一種則是具有回饋感觸感.內建的LED則可以安裝單色燈,雙色燈或是RGB全彩(R紅,G綠,B藍三原色光源 應用: 家庭自動化控制面板;影音分配器;會議系統;錄音設備;測試儀器;擴音系統、擴音裝置、有線廣播;轉換開關;廣播控制台;多電腦切換器;牆壁面板輸入;舞台燈光;數值控製面板(CNC Control panel)等

- 統一編號35940351
- 聯絡人Tim Liao
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