


經營項目:專業彩盒印刷、吊牌印刷、仿單印刷、特殊小尺寸仿單印刷、說明書印刷、精裝筆記本印刷 、行銷品印刷、手工禮盒印刷、精裝禮盒印刷 經營理念:以「品質、服務、責任、體貼」的信念為企業信念,也期盼能將這四要素帶給客戶,能讓客戶有最好的體驗。另外以「服務客戶、共創雙贏」作為企業精神,努力協助將客戶的產品與理念傳達到每一個角落。所有印刷流程,不管是紙張、油墨、製版等一貫流程,都有符合環保規範的報告書及規範。希望提供客戶最具競爭力的印刷包裝與優良品質產品,創造客戶價值,持續獲利,永續經營。 廣色域印刷設計為專業客製化印刷的印刷公司。 擁有30年老師傅的職人精神,從紙張到最後的包裝出貨,都有一套專業的流程規劃 主要營業項目:服裝吊牌印刷、服裝配件吊牌印刷、產品吊牌印刷、產品吊卡印刷、產品紙卡印刷、產品背卡印刷、條碼吊牌印刷、透明OPP袋頭卡印刷、超厚度吊牌(1mm以上) 印刷、成衣吊牌印刷、成衣副料商標印刷、精裝筆記本印刷、布包筆記本印刷、彩色皮料筆記本印刷、變色皮筆記本印刷、可客製化印刷筆記本印刷、烙燙筆記本印刷、PU皮革筆記本印刷、特殊尺寸仿單印刷、藥廠說明書印刷、手工硬殼禮盒印刷、精裝硬殼天地禮盒印刷、精裝磁扣式書型盒印刷、圓筒硬殼禮盒印刷、特殊結構精裝抽屜盒印刷,創意包裝,環保包裝。 廣色域印刷設計(PanColor Printing & Graphic Design Company)為一印刷設計公司暨各式吊牌印刷、筆記本印刷、手工精裝盒印刷,行銷品之專業製造商,擁有超過三十年的業界良好口碑以及豐富的國內外大廠OEM訂單經驗主要客戶涵蓋銀行業,生技業,電子業,食品業,網路業。許多客戶藉由我們的服務打入大的通路,如COSTCO,大潤發,沃爾瑪,AMAZON, ALIBABA, Kmart, TARGET, SPRINGS, SEARS and TESCO.客戶銷售區域涵蓋亞洲,非洲,美洲,歐洲以及南美洲。 廣色域印刷所有產品都依據國際工業標準的要求來設計與製造,從研發到產品上市,每一步驟都經過嚴格的要求與測試,並選用最適當的材料與製程來製造,以提供客戶最具競爭力的價格與優良品質的產品。 無論是吊牌印刷、筆記本印刷、說明書印刷、手工精裝盒印刷。廣色域印刷都堅持為客戶做好品質把關,歡迎各界好友,有任何需求可以聯繫我們,我們將竭誠為您服務。 服務專線:+886 2 27828257 傳真號碼:+886 2 26958700 辦公室地址:台北市南港區八德路四段887-1號1樓 網址:https://corporate-office-39153.business.site/ FACEBOOK:廣色域印刷 E-MAIL:pan.color.printing03@gmail.com Services: Color Offest Printing Design Service, Hanging Tag Printing, Drug/Medication Labels and Package Inserts Printing, Outserts Printing , Manual Printing, Gift Boxes Printing, Handmade Hard-Shell Gift Box Printing, Creative Packaging. Mission and Core Values: Fine package makes your product to be shining is our core value for the business. We also expect our customer to have a wonderful experience for your service. We are proud of being serve our customers to achieve the mutual benefit, this is what we believe in. All printing processes, include paper, ink and processes, to meet with environmental standards of the report and specifications. We can provide customers with the most competitive price for printing service and excellent quality products, to increase customer value. PanColor Printing & Graphic Design Company provides printing service specialize in professional customized printing, we have the best employees With 30 years professional experience, from paper to the final packaging delivery, and a set of professional process planning. Main Products: Barcode Tag Printing, Hanging Tag Printing, Drug, Medication Labels and Package Inserts Printing, Outserts Printing, Label Tag Printing. Fashion Hang Tag Printing , Product Tag Printing, Product Hanging Card Printing, Paperback Card Printing, Product Paper Cards Printing, Insert Card Printing, OPP Head Card Printing, Thickness Tag Printing (over 1mm), Clothing Hanging Tag Printing, Notebook Printing with Leather cover , Notebook Printing with PU Leather cover, Handmade Hard-Shell Gift Box, Catalogue Printing ,Display Materials Printing , Food Boxes , Jewelry Box Printing, Clothing Box, Chocolate Box, Game Box, Candy Box, Cards Box, Shoe Box, Board Game Box, Cosmetic Box Printing, Mobile Phone Box Printing , Packaging Box Printing for Frozen food, Packaging Box for Special Structure, Creative Packaging. Retail Packaging Box, Packaging Box for AMAZON, ALIBABA, TECO, TAIAN, Wal-Mart, Kmart, Target, Springs, and Sears. We are a company with all kinds of tags, notebooks, handmade box, with more than 30 years of good reputation in the field of industry and experience in OEM orders from national to international worldwide. All our products which are designed and manufactured in accordance with international industry standards. From research and development to new product launch, each step has gone through strict requirements and testing, and to select of the most appropriate materials and processes to manufacture, to provide customers with the most competitive prices and excellent quality of products. All of printing service has gone through strict testing and quality control so we can provide customers with the most competitive prices and excellent quality products. We like to share our printing experiences for you. If you are interested in any of our products or service, please feel free to contact with us immediately. We look forward to building a long-term relationship with you. Telephone Number: +886 2-2782-8257 Fax Number: +886 2-2695-8700 Office Address: 1F, No. 887-1, Sec. 4, Bade Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.) FACEBOOK: 廣色域印刷 E-Mail: pan.color.printing03@gmail.com玻璃水平儀


  1. 統一編號24461713
  2. 聯絡人蔡小姐
  3. 更多廣色域印刷設計有限公司資訊


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