Condenser Tube Brushes (冷凝器清潔管刷) 採用細鋼絲為芯線具有彈性, 管刷末端管狀柄處裝置1/4’' - 28 UNF螺母,可連結轉接桿。末端牙頭可連接其它工件,旋轉作動-易於清潔孔壁、消除表面成汙垢物-用於冷氣等冷凝器管和機具内部等零件有良好功效。 Condenser Tube Brush are manufactured with wire or synthetic bristles. They are available with either a single or double spiral stem. Specifications : • The offered range is ideally utilized for eliminating surface deposits from condenser tubes and other internal parts • Our range of brushes is designed utilizing galvanized stem wire with tubular shank on one end, 1/4" - 28 male thread. Specifications 1: All kinds of sizes materials are available for custom-made 2:Designed for condenser or cooler cleaning 3.The offered range is ideally utilized for eliminating surface deposits from condenser tubes and other internal parts
- 統一編號07933490
- 聯絡人曾慶豐先生
- 更多UnionBrush-EangLianCorp.資訊
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