


來自名匠公司精心研發之本款併縫車, 運用多處機構創新造就一個工業用縫紉機產業革命性創新機型, 型號MJ62GX四針六線併縫車.

在所有縫製設備當中具主流且用量大之平縫機, 拷克車, 三針車等之技術門檻及利潤已嚴重降低, 而特種機如鎖眼, 釘扣, 套結等也因製衣工序限定而需求成長受限. 經名匠經營團隊深入分析, 鎖定具有高度商業價值及技術障礙之四針六線曲臂型併縫車為利基機種進行開發.

這是一款相當人性化的縫製設備. 與面料/布性, 縫製方式及操作熟度有較大互動性. 因此在銷售時要根據用戶屬性及需求來推廣. 其最早的設計是用在針織內衣類別的縫製, 藉由基本疊併縫功能加強衣物縫份之強度及彈性. 由於這款機器性能/功能與縫製需求不斷相互發展, 造就延伸性駕馭未來市場需求之可能.

本併縫車提供服裝廠於縫製過程中將裁片經本機切刀修邊同時併縫, 以一機一工序取代以往須由拷克車加三針車才能完成之多機多工序, 且縫製後之效果較原製程更加平整服貼及兼具裝飾線效果.

因應功能性及休閒性等服裝發展趨勢, 此適用範圍正逐步擴大當中, 在全球服裝市場上極具商業價值, 其應用範圍發展如下: 各式男女針織內褲, 保暖內衣, T恤衫, Polo, 泳裝, 沖浪服, 潛水衣, 慢跑褲, 運動服, 單車服, 針織夾克, 嬰兒服, 童睡衣, 褲襪, 及各式專業運動服-連身泳裝, 韻律服, 訓練服, 競賽服等.


1. 業界首創"雙差動"專利設計, 大幅提高對各類布性之適用範圍及縫製品質.

2. 業界首創"針距外調式"專利設計, 提升車縫人員縫製及技師設備維護之便利性.

3. 業界首創"固定式後擋針片"專利設計, 提高維護便利性, 避免斷針跳線致怠工停線.

4. 內藏式三刮油封, 能完全防止針棒處油污問題.

5. 特殊針夾設計, 便於清理積塞的線布屑以減少損壞及故障.

6. 針對縫製薄/軟料需求, MJ62GX出廠時一律配備假針, 撐開底線避免縫份起縐.

7. 基本款與特規款/功能款間之改車, 操作簡便.

8. 新式防漏油設計, 採用特殊機構設計及頂級油封材質, 大幅降低機頭漏油之可能.

9. 高亮度LED輔助燈源設計, 提高縫製區之亮度及縫製品質, 符合節能環保效益.

10.各式輔助裝置及規格組可搭配選用, 安裝使用簡便, 滿足服裝廠對各種縫製之需求.

Features of Flatseamer Series

This flatseamer is elaborately developed by Ming Jang, taking advantage of manifold innovations of mechanisms to achieve such a revolutionary and innovative model in the industrial sewing machine industry as MJ62GX – 4-needle 6-thread feed-off-the-arm interlock flat seaming machine.

The major features of the product series are as follows.

1. Patented ”Dual Differential Ratio Feeding” – a pioneer design in the industry, highly improving the sewing adoption of various fabrics and the sewing quality.

2. Patented “External Stitch Length Adjuster” – a pioneer design in the industry,  enhancing the convenience for both sewing by operators and maintaining by technicians.

3. Patented “Fixed Rear Needle Guard” – a pioneer design in the industry, advancing the availability of maintenance to avoid needle broken, stitch skipped and to cause waiting in the production line.

4. Patented “Hidden Triple-scrape Oil Seal”, totally preventing the fabric from oil stain problem by the needle bar.

5. Patented “Unique Needle Clamp” design, being easy to clean up and minimizing the damage.

6. A retainer is included in all MJ62GX series for seaming light/soft materials, retaining the tension of bottom thread, and avoiding the seam crumpling.

7. Simple & easy conversion between basic model and extended special/functional model.

8. Patented “New Anti-oil-leakage” design, adopting special mechanism and high-quality oil seals to diminish the possibility of leakage from machine head.

9. Patented “Hi-lux LED Assist-light” design, uplifting the brightness in sewing area and the sewing quality to conform to the benefit from energy-saving and environment protection.

10.Manifold assist devices and gauge sets are available as options, being easy and simple to install and to use, to satisfy various sewing requests from garment factories.



  1. 統一編號28012772
  2. 聯絡人林志謙
  3. 更多Flatseamer,并缝,FlatSeam,拼缝,Flatlock,名匠資訊



  1. 各式農用噴霧機噴桿,噴槍
  2. STA-V系列 高扭矩垂直輸出齒輪減速箱
  3. 底座
  4. 充放電機
  5. 固定式起重機砝碼荷重檢查

